In November 2011 the Networks for Prosperity initiative published its first report, “Networks for Prosperity: achieving development goals through knowledge sharing”, which established a Connectedness Index that measures countries’ knowledge networks and links their level of connectedness with economic development indicators. To determine the Connectedness Index, the report took into account international, inter-organizational and intra-organizational networks established by each country. This also follows the General Conference resolution on knowledge networking and knowledge sharing for achieving development goals (GC.14/Res.2 ).
The second report prepared by the initiative, “Networks for Prosperity: connecting development knowledge beyond 2015″, was launched as a side event of the Global South-South Development Expo in November 2012. This report updates the previous year’s information on the Connectedness Index and increases the number of countries analyzed from 75 to 132. The report pays particular attention to the importance of South- South cooperation and the crucial role of middle- income countries in any new development agenda that may emerge from the current debates. What is recognized is that any new development agenda must be more inclusive as no meaningful development strategy or policy can be formulated or achieved without the strong inclusion of middle- income countries.
Networks for Prosperity has developed a comprehensive view of the relevance of knowledge networks in the context of economic development programmes, and how they can be used as a tool for improving policy effectiveness and economic governance. It has thus facilitated the creation and building of knowledge networks in the field of PSD policy and has opened opportunities for increased PSD knowledge networking among developing countries. The initiative is expected to have a considerable impact on the understanding and use of South- South networks in development strategies and programmes, in particular in the field of economic development.
In 2013, the Networks for Prosperity initiative aims to further inspire the discussions on the trends and scenarios in a possible post-2015 development agenda, and facilitate the establishment and improvement of related network governance structures for knowledge sharing, including among middle- income countries. This directly implements the resolution of the United Nations General Assembly on industrial development cooperation (A/RES/67/225). This is also reflected in the decision of the IDB during its 40th session on knowledge networking and knowledge sharing (IDB.40/Dec.2), which particularly welcomes the offer of Costa Rica to host a High-Level Conference of middle-income countries on the theme “Networks for Prosperity” from 12 to 14 June 2013.